Microgrid & AC Coupled Solar + Storage
Community Grid Resiliency
Eneon worked with the local utility to design and install a battery energy storage system for grid resiliency in the community after the town experienced prolonged outages when a fire ravaged the area in 2017. The project completion is scheduled for May 2022.

Eneon worked with the local utility to design and install a battery energy storage system for grid resiliency in the community after the town experienced prolonged outages when a fire ravaged the area in 2017. A third party microgrid control system interfaces with the Eneon Site Controller (ESC) to ensure that clean, reliable power is always available for the community.
- Direct Charge/Discharge Management
- Load and Generation Following
- “Distributed Generation-Off” Mode
- Low/High Frequency Ride-Through
- Voltage Droop Mode
- Frequency Droop Mode
- Fixed Power Factor Function
- Real Power Smoothing
- Dynamic Reactive Current Support Function
- Peak Power Limiting Functionality
- Connect/Disconnect Functionality

“Eneon’s comprehensive technical support and adaptability throughout the project were instrumental in delivering a successful final product.”
Neil Cumming, FortisAlberta inc.